Cream Plutect Dual - Skin Care Before and During Work  PLUM
Cream Plutect Dual - Skin Care Before and During Work  PLUM
Cream Plutect Dual - Skin Care Before and During Work

The essential function of the skin is to protect the body against the many external influences which it is exposed to every day. An optimal hand hygiene consists of three parts: skin care before and during work, skin cleansing and skin care after work.

Skin care before and during work
Using a skin care cream before work prevents your skin from drying up and reduces the risk of harmful substances penetrating deeply into the skin.

Skin cleansing
Cleansing your skin is extremely important - every day. You should use only mild and yet effective skin cleansing products.

Skin care after work
Using a regenerating skin care cream after work helps your skin to restore its natural moisture and fat balance.
Use of cream Plutect Dual before and during work with alternating work processes involving both water-based and non-water-based substances. Without silicon, colours and perfume. Contains panthenol and lanolin.
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Skin care cream Handy Plus - skin care after work